art appreciation

art gallery

objective: bring art galleries to universities

setup indian and masters art gallery in the schools and universities.

introduce and familiarize today's youth to global art.

give students free ability to analyse.

art appreciation sessions

objective: sessions by experts on art

introduce and familiarize global art

introduce Masters their styles through stories. 

interactive sessions to encourage think, analyze, explore and document.

art workshop & mental health

objective: art as activities

art activities of any kind has induced a stress free environment statistically as it has been proven that fun activities and workshops  can give a non verbal method of communication.

tool for free thinking and expression specially for introverts.


art platform

objective: idreamt is an art platform

idreamt an inclusive platform for all recognition and monetization.

we also provide internships.


arts as products

objective: idreamt helps community by repurposing art

we have art based products for college events collaborating with students and college administration.

products like laptop accessories, clothing and others.